
Welcome to the Marketing page of 2426 Design Studio, your comprehensive solution for marketing services tailored to small, medium-sized businesses and non-profits. Our expertise spans a broad range of services, from graphic design to marketing and email campaigns, ensuring your business shines in every communication.

Our graphic design services encompass everything from logos and business cards to brochures and banner ads, creating an appealing and consistent visual identity for your brand. Our marketing campaigns are meticulously planned and executed, aimed at reaching your target audience effectively and converting them into loyal customers.

We also specialize in crafting compelling email campaigns and custom email templates that drive engagement and action. Our approach is centered on delivering the right message to the right audience at the right time, helping to increase open rates, click-through rates, and overall ROI from your email marketing efforts.

Understanding the value of engaging video content, we create professional, impactful videos that resonate with your audience and encourage social sharing. We also offer SEO services, optimizing your website and content for search engines, helping you increase your online visibility, drive more traffic, and ultimately, generate more leads and sales.

At 2426 Design Studio, we blend creativity with strategic thinking, ensuring every marketing effort is not only visually stunning but also serves your broader business goals. Partner with us to amplify your brand, connect with your audience, and drive growth.

Marketing Graphic Design

Delivering a wide range of marketing graphic design services, we specialize in creating impactful visual assets that effectively communicate your brand's message. From designing captivating logos and business cards to crafting engaging banner ads and promotional materials, we ensure a cohesive and memorable visual identity. Our designs are more than just aesthetically pleasing—they are a strategic blend of creativity and business acumen, tailored to resonate with your target audience and drive your business objectives forward.

Services Start at 50.00.

Marketing Campaigns

Our Marketing Simplified Packages offer comprehensive, turn-key solutions designed to deliver impactful results. We create and manage complete campaigns, from concept to execution, providing you with all the necessary marketing materials - from striking mailers to engaging email templates. Each package is competitively priced and carefully planned, ensuring maximum reach and effectiveness. We also provide you with a detailed schedule and step-by-step guides, enabling you to deploy your campaign seamlessly. With a focus on your business objectives, we deliver comprehensive campaigns that not only resonate with your audience but also drive tangible results.

Packages start at $249.99

Marketing SEO

We offer a robust suite of Marketing SEO services designed to optimize your online presence and visibility. Our process begins with a comprehensive audit of your website and social media platforms, identifying any potential gaps in your current SEO practices and leveraging the latest trends in the field. We pinpoint areas of opportunity to enhance your site's search engine performance, with services ranging from a basic SEO audit to a more thorough examination of your entire digital footprint. Our ultimate goal is to ensure your content reaches the right audience, improve your site's organic search rankings, and maximize your online visibility. With our team on your side, you can navigate the ever-changing landscape of SEO with confidence and efficiency.

Packages start at $99.00

Other Services Offered

  • Branding

  • Email Campaigns

  • Email Templates

  • Marketing Videos